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Bernd Sturmfels (MPI MiS, Leipzig): Four-dimensional Lie algebras revisited

Ort: MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig, Inselstr. 22, G3 10 (Hörsaal)

We discuss a system of 16 quadratic equations in 24 variables that arises in the study of Lie algebras. The solutions are the Lie algebra structures on a 4-dimensional vector space. There are four irreducible components of dimension 11. We compute their degrees and Hilbert polynomials, and thereby answer a 1999 question by Kirillov and Neretin. This is joint work with Laurent Manivel and Svala Sverrisdottir.

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Beginn: 4. Oktober 2022 13:30

Ende: 4. Oktober 2022 14:30