W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, O.Imig, D.Heidrich: J.Comput.Chem. 19 (1998) 1087-1100
"Searching for Saddle Points of Potential Energy Surfaces by Following a Reduced Gradient"
W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, D.Heidrich: Theor.Chem.Acc 100 (1998) No 5/6, 285-299
"Bifurcation of Reaction Pathways: The Set of Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of a Simple 3-dimensional Potential Energy Surface"
W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, G.Mellau, S.Klee, M.Winnewisser, A.Maki:
J.Molec.Spectrosc. 1999 195, (1999) 284-298
"Climbing the Bending Vibrational Ladder in
by Hot Gas Emission Spectroscopy"
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp; D.Heidrich: Phys.Chemistry Chem.Physics 1, Nr.23 (1999)
"Bifurcation of Reaction Pathways: The Set of Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points
of the Potential Energy Surface of the Water Molecule"
W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, D.Heidrich:
Theor. Chem. Acc 105 (2000) 145-155
"Following the Streambed Reaction on Potential Energy Surfaces:
A New Robust Method" DOI 10.1007/s002140000192
Michal Dallos, Hans Lischka, Elizete Ventura do Monte,
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp :
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 23, (2002) 276-283 [1]
"Determination of Energy Minima and Saddle Points
using Multireference Configuration Interaction Methods
in Combination with Reduced Gradient Following:
S Surface of
and the T
and T
Surfaces of Acetylene"
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:
Journal of Computational Chemistry 23, (2002) 887-894
"An Improved RGF Method to Find Saddle Points"
W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, D.Heidrich:
Theor. Chem. Acc. 112,No.1 (2004) 40-51
"An Approach to Reaction Path Branching using
Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of
Potential Energy Surfaces "
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp: 2004, accepted by
J.Mol.Struct. THEOCHEM
"Reaction Channels of the Potential Energy Surface:
Application of Newton Trajectories"
Abstract of the paper:
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp: 2004,
submitted Theoret Chem Acc
"Newton Leaves on Potential Energy Surfaces"
Abstract of the paper:
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp: 2004, accepted by
J. Math. Chem.
"Reaction Pathways and Convexity of the Potential Energy
Surface: Application of Newton Trajectories"
Abstract of the paper:
M.Hirsch, W.Quapp: 2004,
accepted Chem Phys Lett
"The Reaction Pathway of a Potential Energy Surface
as Curve with Induced Tangent"
Abstract of the paper:
M. Hirsch:
"Zum Reaktionswegcharakter von Newtontrajektorien,"
Dissertation, Fakultät f\ür Chemie and Mineralogie,
Universität Leipzig, eingereicht Dezember 2003,
verteidigt 22.Juni 2004.
Abrufbar im PDF Format: download
(130 Seiten, etwa 6 MB )
G.Mellau, M.Winnewisser, S.Klee, W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, A.Maki: 16th Coll.on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Glasgow, Sept.6-11th, 1997, "An emission measurement of bending hot bands of DCN"
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, O.Imig, D.Heidrich: 16th Coll.on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Prag, Aug.30th-Sept.3th, 1998,
"Searching for Saddle Points of Potential Energy Surfaces by Following a Reduced Gradient"
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, O.Imig, D.Heidrich: 33.Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Gwatt, 20.-24.9.1998, P 114
"Searching for Saddle Points of Potential Energy Surfaces by Following a Reduced Gradient"
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: 16th Coll.on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy,
Frankreich, Dijon, Sept.6-10th, 1999,
"The Set of Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of the Potential Energy Surface of Water"
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: Arbeitstagung für Theoretische
Chemie, Mariapfarr, Febr.14-18th, 2000,
"Following the Streambed Reaction on Potential Energy Surfaces: A New
Robust Method"
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: Bunsentagung, Würzburg,
1.-3.Juni 2000,
"Following the Streambed Reaction on Potential Energy Surfaces: A New
Robust Method"
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: The 16th Int. Coll. on High
Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy,
Prag, Sept.3th-7th, 2000, J4
"Calculation of the Large Amplitude Pathway on the Potential Energy
W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: STC2000 - 36. Symposium für
Theoretische Chemie Quantenmechanik und Quanteneffekte in Systemen Zunehmender
Komplexität, 10.-14. 9. 2000, LITSCHAU, NIEDERÖSTERREICH
"Following the Streambed Reaction on the Potential Energy Surface: A New
Robust Method"
M. Dallos, H. Lischka, M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:
Electronically Excited Molecules: Structure and Dynamics
September 23 - 27, 2001
Bad Herrenalb (BW) - Germany, P22
Determination of Energy Minima and Saddle Points on the
S Surface of
and the T Surface of Acetylene
using Multireference Configuration Interaction Methods
in Combination with Reduced Gradient Following