A growing string method for the reaction pathway defined by a Newton trajectory
Journal of Chemical Physics 122, issue 17 (2005) 174106 (11 pages)
by Wolfgang Quapp

Mathematical Institute, University Leipzig, Augustus-Platz, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany

  • Abstract of the paper:
    The reaction path is an important concept of theoretical chemistry. We use a projection operator for the fol\-lowing of the Newton trajectory (NT) along the reaction valley of the potential energy surface. We describe the numerical scheme for the string method adapting the proposal of a growing string (GS) by B.Peters et al.\,[J Chem Phys 120 (2004) 7877]. The combination of the Newton projector and the growing string idea is an improvement of both methods, and a great saving of the number of iterations needed to find the pathway over the saddle point. This combination GS-NT is at the best of our knowledge new. We employ two different corrector methods: first the use of projected gradient steps, and second a conjugated gradient method, the CG+ method of Liu, Nocedal and Waltz, generalized by projectors. Executed examples are Lennard-Jones clusters, LJ$_7$ and LJ$_{22}$, and an N-methyl-alanyl-acetamide (alanine dipeptide) rearrangement between the minima C7$_{\rm ax}$ and C5. For the latter, the growing string calculation is interfaced with the Gassian03 quantum chemical software package.

  • Preprint im Adobe-PDF Format : download
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    Script : text of the Growing String method for Newton Trajectories for the LJ7 potential. Use still #!/usr/local/bin/bash in the first line.
    Fortran77 : Program1
    Fortran77 : Program2
    Fortran77 : Program3
    Fortran77 : Program4
    Fortran77 : Program5
    Translate separately the parts with g77 .
    Output of the calculation: text

    Script : text of the Growing String method for Newton Trajectories with modified CG+ for the LJ22 potential. Use still #!/usr/local/bin/bash in the first line.
    Fortran77 : Program1
    Fortran77 : Program2
    Fortran77 : Program3
    Fortran77 : Program4
    Fortran77 : Program5
    Translate separately the parts with g77 .
    Output of the calculation: text

    Approximation of two NTs for alanine dipeptide between the C5 minimum and intermediate minimum, Min$_2$, and from there to the minimum C7$_{\rm ax}$, as well. Method: modified CG+ optimization. 10 nodes are used for every string, and thresholds $\epsilon$=0.005, and 0.003\,33, respectively.

    Files for alanine dipeptide GS-NT Calculation.
    Script : text of the Growing String method for Newton Trajectories with modified CG+ for the alanine dipeptide molecular potential. Use still #!/usr/local/bin/bash in the first line.
    Fortran90 : Program1
    Fortran90 : Program2
    Fortran90 : Program3
    Program 4 is the Gaussion03 PP
    Fortran90 : Program5
    Translate separately the parts with fort90 .
    The point files are: C5 ,     Min2 ,     C7ax
    Output of the calculation: text

    Copy pure files of the Figures (without text, symbols, captions, and so on ...):
    in Fig11 C7ax
    in Fig11 Min2
    in Fig11 C5

    Last updated: 03. 01. 2005, W.Q.