Local informations


Overview - Click on the map and scroll down to see enlarged section. The main station is located just above the upper right corner of the shaded region.

City - The main station (Hauptbahnhof) is in the upper right corner.

More maps can be found via Stadtplandienst (at Ort type Leipzig and at Strasse any streetname you want to find).


Park Hotel Seaside
address: Richard-Wagner Strasse 7
location: just across the main station

Mercure Hotel Leipzig am Gutenbergplatz
address: Gutenbergplatz 1-5
location: a little bit northwestern from Talstrasse= red dot 17 on the overview map

Hotel Michaelis
address: Paul Gruner Str. 44
location: below red dot 98 on the overview map

Hotel Garni
address: Gerichtsweg 12
location: a little bit northwestern from Talstrasse= red dot 17 on the overview map,
see also no. 5 on the alternative map

The student hostel is located at Tarostrasse 12, 14 and 16, south of  red dot 28 on the overview map.
It can be reached via tram, line no 16 heading to Lößnig. Exit the tram at the station Johannisallee. Here is a timetable for trams starting at the main station.

Lecture hall: Hörsaal 1, Talstr. 35, Institut für Geophysik und Geologie

Talstrasse 35 is marked by the red dot with number 17 in the overview map.

Mathematics Institute on Augustusplatz

Computer access during workshop May 14-20:  only available in Mathematics Institute on Augustusplatz, please contact either Peter Albers or Matthias Schwarz