Dr. Michael Hirsch: Liste der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten


W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, O.Imig, D.Heidrich: J.Comput.Chem. 19 (1998) 1087-1100
"Searching for Saddle Points of Potential Energy Surfaces by Following a Reduced Gradient"

W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, D.Heidrich: Theor.Chem.Acc 100 (1998) No 5/6, 285-299
"Bifurcation of Reaction Pathways: The Set of Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of a Simple 3-dimensional Potential Energy Surface"

W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, G.Mellau, S.Klee, M.Winnewisser, A.Maki:
J.Molec.Spectrosc. 1999 195, (1999) 284-298 "Climbing the Bending Vibrational Ladder in D13C15N by Hot Gas Emission Spectroscopy"

M.Hirsch, W.Quapp; D.Heidrich: Phys.Chemistry Chem.Physics 1, Nr.23 (1999)
"Bifurcation of Reaction Pathways: The Set of Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of the Potential Energy Surface of the Water Molecule"

W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, D.Heidrich:
Theor. Chem. Acc 105 (2000) 145-155
"Following the Streambed Reaction on Potential Energy Surfaces: A New Robust Method" DOI 10.1007/s002140000192

Michal Dallos, Hans Lischka, Elizete Ventura do Monte, M.Hirsch, W.Quapp :
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 23, (2002) 276-283 [1]
"Determination of Energy Minima and Saddle Points using Multireference Configuration Interaction Methods in Combination with Reduced Gradient Following: the S0 Surface of H2CO and the T1 and T2 Surfaces of Acetylene"

M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:
Journal of Computational Chemistry 23, (2002) 887-894
"An Improved RGF Method to Find Saddle Points"

W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, D.Heidrich:       Theor. Chem. Acc. 112,No.1 (2004) 40-51
"An Approach to Reaction Path Branching using Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of Potential Energy Surfaces "

M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:       2004, accepted by J.Mol.Struct. THEOCHEM
"Reaction Channels of the Potential Energy Surface: Application of Newton Trajectories"
Abstract of the paper: read

M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:       2004, submitted Theoret Chem Acc
"Newton Leaves on Potential Energy Surfaces"
Abstract of the paper: read

M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:       2004, accepted by J. Math. Chem.
"Reaction Pathways and Convexity of the Potential Energy Surface: Application of Newton Trajectories"
Abstract of the paper: read

M.Hirsch, W.Quapp:       2004, accepted Chem Phys Lett
"The Reaction Pathway of a Potential Energy Surface as Curve with Induced Tangent"
Abstract of the paper: read


M. Hirsch: "Zum Reaktionswegcharakter von Newtontrajektorien," Dissertation, Fakultät f\ür Chemie and Mineralogie, Universität Leipzig, eingereicht Dezember 2003, verteidigt 22.Juni 2004.
Abrufbar im PDF Format: download
(130 Seiten, etwa 6 MB )


 G.Mellau, M.Winnewisser, S.Klee, W.Quapp, M.Hirsch, A.Maki: 16th Coll.on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Glasgow, Sept.6-11th, 1997, "An emission measurement of bending hot bands of D13C15N"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, O.Imig, D.Heidrich: 16th Coll.on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Prag, Aug.30th-Sept.3th, 1998,
"Searching for Saddle Points of Potential Energy Surfaces by Following a Reduced Gradient"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, O.Imig, D.Heidrich: 33.Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Gwatt, 20.-24.9.1998, P 114
"Searching for Saddle Points of Potential Energy Surfaces by Following a Reduced Gradient"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: 16th Coll.on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Frankreich, Dijon, Sept.6-10th, 1999,
"The Set of Valley-Ridge-Inflection Points of the Potential Energy Surface of Water"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: Arbeitstagung für Theoretische Chemie, Mariapfarr, Febr.14-18th, 2000,
"Following the Streambed Reaction on Potential Energy Surfaces: A New Robust Method"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: Bunsentagung, Würzburg, 1.-3.Juni 2000,
"Following the Streambed Reaction on Potential Energy Surfaces: A New Robust Method"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: The 16th Int. Coll. on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Prag, Sept.3th-7th, 2000, J4
"Calculation of the Large Amplitude Pathway on the Potential Energy Surface"

W.Quapp, M. Hirsch, D.Heidrich: STC2000 - 36. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie Quantenmechanik und Quanteneffekte in Systemen Zunehmender Komplexität, 10.-14. 9. 2000, LITSCHAU, NIEDERÖSTERREICH
"Following the Streambed Reaction on the Potential Energy Surface: A New Robust Method"

M. Dallos, H. Lischka, M.Hirsch, W.Quapp: 37th SYMPOSIUM FOR THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY Electronically Excited Molecules: Structure and Dynamics September 23 - 27, 2001 Bad Herrenalb (BW) - Germany, P22
Determination of Energy Minima and Saddle Points on the S0 Surface of H2CO and the T1 Surface of Acetylene using Multireference Configuration Interaction Methods in Combination with Reduced Gradient Following


Michael Hirsch