Authors: Peitgen, Heinz-Otto; Jürgens, Hartmut; Saupe, Dietmar; Maletzky, Evan; Terry, Perciante

Title: Fractals for the Classroom: Strategic Activities Volume Three

Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc. 1999 (ISBN 0-387-98420-8) 107p., 49,-DM
(in cooperation with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), New York)

This is the last volume of a series of five books on fractals, three of which on Strategic classroom activities in teaching fractals, (Springer, Volume One: 1991, and Volume Two: 1992) intended to provide companion materials for the two books Fractals for the Classroom. Part one: Introduction to Fractals and Chaos, and Fractals for the Classroom. Part 2: Complex Systems and Mandelbrot Set, written by the first three authors, and also published by Springer in 1992.

These Strategic activities have been developed from a sound instructional base, stressing the connection to the contemporary curriculum for school mathematics. They may change the teaching of mathematics! The understanding of fractal objects provides a wonderful setting for students to enjoy the amazing dialogue between numeric and geometrical processes, and the fascinating interaction between mathematics and computer science. Occasionally a topic from Mathematics goes beyond the usual mathematical bondaries and captures the imagination of the public at large: fractals and chaos theory achieved such prominence. The authors of the book reviewed here contributed to this popularity.

The volume offers a hands-on approach to gain deeper mathematival insights into iterations, iterated function systems in two dimensions, and iterated function systems and geometric genetic codes. The general pattern and specific steps used to construct a fractal image illustrated throughout this volume comprise an iterated function system. The objective of this volume is to investigate the processes and often-surprising results of applying such systems. By themselves the fractal figures posses fascinating features, but the simple mechanisms are also fascinating by which the fractals are formed. The two units of this volume are developed from an intuitive perspective that connects it to the familiar notion of linear maps, symmetries, addressing, and draw a nice link to Pascals's triangle. The concepts are introduced at the lowest possible level of mathematics. In every unit the activities take advantage of the technological power of the graphics calculator. (This possibility may compared with the BASIC programs given in the textbooks [op.cit.].) Thus, this is again an exercise and worksheed book. Everything is explained in great detail, and some is probably school level. Counting, constructing, computing, and visualizing: it is rewarding after a bit of concentration. Answers are provided for all the exercises.

The book is very well written, and furthermore, I could not find any misprint. However, the organization of the material preceding the worksheets is a little confusing, and occasional redundant. It is easier to go back to the textbooks [op.cit.]. The first unit in this volume, unit 7 of the series, explains the Sierpinski curve and the Sierpinski gasket, connects it with Pascals's triangle via combinations, and leads over mappings and copying machines to self-similarity. The last unit discusses symmetries and compositions, algebraic mappings and fractal images, and chaos game variations. The connection between geometric genetic codes and chaos game developments is presented in what ought to be an exciting experience for the reader who walks the path suggested in this volume.

I highly recommend this journey into chaos of the wonderful series of the five books on fractals, including this volume, for everyone interested in these topics. They are a necessary exercise for the serious student, and a fun game for the amateur with some background, interest and perseverance. Not much is actually needed to do many of the projects and exercises, and much can be figured out by doing. The volumes of the Strategic Activities can be used as the main part of a semester course on fractals. They help students at all levels to see mathematics as an exciting, dynamic discipline.

Wolfgang Quapp (Leipzig)
