The files are to accompany the paper on "The high temperature infrared spectrum of D12C14N and D13C14N" by Moellmann, Maki, Winnewisser, Winnewisser, and Quapp at Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy Vol. 212, No. 1, March 1, 2002 The files named D13CNARK.DTA and DCNARK.DTA are in ASCII and contain all the data that were measured for this work. The least-squares fits also included other data taken from the literature, most importantly the microwave measurements that have been reported. The data are divided into groups with the transition given in a heading followed by the designation of the particular spectrum used. The first column gives the observed transition in wavenumbers (1/cm). In some cases there is an asterisk (*) after the wavenumber. In those cases the transition was deemed to be inferior for some reason and was given a weight of zero, regardless of what the uncertainty column indicates. The second column gives the O-C (observed minus calculated) in wavenumbers, where the calculated value was given by the least-squares fit that resulted in the constants given in the paper. Then follow 2 columns of integers that indicate the upper rotational quantum number (J') and the lower state rotational quantum number (J''). the last column gives the uncertainty used to weight the measurement for the least-squares fit. The actual weight used was the inverse square of the uncertainty unless an asterisk is shown after the wavenumber, in which case the weight was zero.