How Does a Reaction Path Branching Take Place ? A Classification of Bifurcation Events by Wolfgang Quapp Mathematisches Institut, Universit"at Leipzig, Augustus-Platz, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany Key words: Reaction path bifurcation; Projected gradient; Valley-ridge-inflection point; Pitchfork bifurcation; Classification of VRIs submitted for the special edition of Journal of Molecular Structure for Brenda and Manfred Winnewisser Abstract Valley-ridge-inflection points (VRI) of a potential energy surface (PES) may have a strong relation to bifurcations of chemical reaction pathways. We explain how a reaction path has to be defined to describe the bifurcation of a ``valley" of the PES. We propose a classification of different VRI events: valley bifurcation, ridge bifurcation, and the mixed case in between. Chemical implications of the different cases are discussed.