The MP2/6-31G^** potential energy hypersurface (PES) of the chemically interesting molecule ion, C_2H_5^+, is analyzed by new procedures proposed by us recently. The reaction paths start from the minima or saddle points by following the so-called reduced gradient procedure and/or its modification, the tangent search concept, TASC. The minimum energy paths (MEP) obtained by TASC are fine approximations of those gradient extremals which follow the valley floor (or ridge) along the smallest (absolute) eigenvalue of the Hessian. It is the valley floor gradient extremal which is also termed the streambed of the PES. Tracing the streambed uphill we locate saddle points of the H-scrambling in C_2H_5^+. The potential energy surface of this cation is used to systematically explore the properties of reaction path definitions with particular focus to reaction path bifurcations. The intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) which is mostly used as MEP in chemistry, is included for the purpose of comparison.