The Mechanism of a Barrierless Reaction: Hidden Transition State and Hidden Intermediates in the Reaction of Methylene with Ethene Hyun Joo,a Elfi Kraka,a Wolfgang Quapp,b and Dieter Cremer c a Department of Chemistry, The University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95366, USA b Mathematical Institute, University of Leipzig, Augustus-Platz, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany c Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, The University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95366, USA Abstract: The chelotropic addition reaction of singlet methylene to ethene yielding cyclopropane (reaction 1) was investigated with the help of the Unified Reaction Valley approach (URVA) using different levels of theory (B3LYP, MP2, MP4, CCSD(T), G3) and two basis sets (6-31G(d,p), 6-311++G(3df3pd)). At all levels of theory, reaction (1) proceeds without barrier and transition state (TS). Nevertheless, reaction (1) possesses a distinct mechanism comprising four different reaction phases: 1) a van der Waals phase, in which the stereochemistry of the reaction is decided; 2) an electrophilic attack phase, in which charge is transferred from ethene to methylene to establish a weak bonding interaction between the reaction partners typical of those encountered in TSs of CC bond forming reactions; 3) a nucleophilic attack phase, in which charge transfer between methylene and ethene is reverted and a trimethylene biradical structure is formed; 4) a ring closure phase, in which the trimethylene structure closes to the three-membered ring. The URVA analysis identifies a hidden TS and two hidden intermediates at the transitions from one phase to the next. If methylene is replaced by difluorocarbene (reaction 2) or germylene (reaction 3), the 4-phase mechanism is retained, however the hidden TS and one of the hidden intermediates are converted into real TS and real intermediate thus establishing 2-step mechanisms with strongly different energy profiles along the reaction path. Key words: reaction valley approach, barrierless reactions, methylene-ethene system, hidden transition state, hidden intermediates, difluoromethylene-ethene system, germylene-ethene system